Animatronic Mario eventually found Frankie in an alley and process to steal his spaghetti. He is later brougn back into the game by SMG4. He is the only animatronic who both gets his own body back and returns back to normal.Animatronic Mario is the only true human animatronic in all of the FNAF videos.Though, Mario accidantaly caused all the Mario to come back by playing the unstable console. He is the only animatronic who uses a rocket launcher.Animatronic Mario and the other animatronics are capable of teleporting to the Phantom Lounge.

After the SMG4: The Grand Mario Hotel episode, animatronic Mario start appearing as a separated character then the main Mario.He is a Garry's Mod Playermodel (as well as SMG4) that can be available to get here.I don't know how to port gmod models into SFM (possibly yet?), but if you know how to and want to port this model, please by all means go right ahead, but include me as one of the creators since I did make the original model.#Play mario in animatronic horror how to.