If you are interested in more details/exposition regarding that, the original post can be found HERE. Tashia is an OC from my upcoming Strangerville gameplay series. Aside from family and cooking, she also loves all things witchy and occult, volunteering at the community center, listening to audiobooks, watching her favorite YouTubers, and just meeting new people/listening to their experiences (she’s very outgoing). Boy Beauty I would love to see your art, screenshots, and edits based around male/masc sims Just tag ts4boytique or send a submission for a reblog. Helping her family is enough reason to come home, but it’s definitely a bonus that she finds the secrets and oddities of her hometown, Strangerville, to be endlessly fascinating… especially in the last year or so. A lot of people have called her crazy for willingly embracing the slower change in pace, but Tashia always dreamed the family business would one day be hers - she just didn’t expect it would happen so soon. Tashia has a culinary degree and even worked in a Michelin star restaurant before moving back home to run her parent’s bar, the 8-Bit Saloon.

In the recent years she’s been her parent’s main caretaker as they’ve started facing some hardships that come with aging. She has three older siblings (an older brother, older sister, and another older brother - in that order) and loving, supportive, committed parents who were, in her opinion, perfect embodiments of hard work and love.

Tashia comes from a big family with even bigger personalities.